Khamis, 30 Januari 2014

continue..dialog TEARS


Narrator:In the evening,Hana was crying near the window.She was starring at her late father photo.Poor Hana,her mother really hurt her feeling.

Hana:Father!Why did she do this to me?What is my fault?Why she always blame me.Didn't she know how much I love her.I really love you father.Why did you leave me?
        [ The phone is ringing ]
Narrator:The phone is ringing.It was a call from the hospital.What is actually happening now?
Hana:Hello?Who is this?
Hospital:Is this Madam Aliza family?
Hana:Yes it is.I'm her daughter.
Hospital:I'm sorry to tell you,your mother were involve in an accident.
Hana:What?!Yes I'll come there immediately.

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